Do the following diagnoses belong in the DSM-5? – Research Submission by Michael C.LaFerney

Email Address of First Author: [email protected]   Authors: Michael C.LaFerney   Title of Publication: Do the following diagnoses belong in the DSM-5?   Year of Publication: 2019   Sources of Funding (ex: NIH, VARR&D) Elite/ Advance for Nurses   Affiliations: Quincy College   Journal Citation Information:   Type of Study (select one) Demographic/Survey Results […]

The Top 9 Addiction Myths Preventing Us from Solving the Opioid Crisis

The opioid crisis has reached epic proportions with more people dying from overdoses per year than died in to the entire Vietnam War. It’s no surprise then that everyone is concerned about this from families to entire communities to our legislators on both the state and federal levels. However, while everyone is working with good […]

It’s Time to Start Screening for Mental Health Symptoms | Karen Lankford, PhD

Early detection and early treatment improve outcomes. However, in spite of the fact that deaths from suicide and drug overdoses have been on the rise, we do little in this country to screen for mental health problems or addiction, and even less in terms of public health education campaigns.

Global Endocrine Testing Market: Snapshot

Endocrine testing refers to a group of tests performed to assess the overall function of the patient’s endocrine system. The release of hormones is linked to a variety of diseases, which makes them a solid indicator to reveal the nature and extent of diseases. The rising awareness about the solid connection between hormones and diseases […]

Americans Need Immediate Help | Sharon Engdahl, Executive Director

From child to senior our loved ones are getting very sick and dying because America is not properly educated on the early signs and symptoms of mental health problems which includes addictions. The all-in costs of America’s drug addiction problem are one trillion dollars every year.

Application of Systemic Motivational Therapy to Alcohol Addiction | Karen Kaiser, Ph.D.

The United States is battling a drug epidemic that is destroying the lives of many of its citizens, both those misusing substances, and their families (Maxwell, 2011, Stehr,2015, & Tiger, 2017). One in three people will develop a problem with alcohol at some point in their life, and one in eight will become dependent on […]

Mental Illness, Media, and Politics

Should mentally ill people stay out of and away from politics?  Mental illness is an instability in itself, and it is well known that the media tends to cover negative events over positive ones.  So is there any hope for mentally ill people to interact in media and politics, or are the stigma and the […]

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